Java is one of the most popular programming languages of all time and it is an object-oriented language that enables developers to create applications that are modular, reusable and easy to understand. Inheritance is also an important part of Getters and Setters in Java. Core Inheritance Type In Java is Hierarchical Inheritance where multiple subclasses can inherit a single super class.
In this article, you will learn about hierarchical inheritance from scratch, its syntax, features, and working examples.
1. What Is Inheritance in Java?
Inheritance : Inheritance is a basic feature of object-oriented programming (OOP) that enables one class to inherit properties and methods from another class. The class that extends is known as the subclass or child class, and the class that it extends from is known as the superclass or parent class in Java. Inheritance encourages re-use of code and makes it possible to build complex classes on top of simpler, more foundational classes.
Unlike other languages like C++, Java supports four types of inheritance :
Single inheritance: One subclass inherits from a single superclass
Multi-Level: A type of inheritance formed like a chain with many levels in hierarchy (Class C inherits Class B, which inherits Class A).
Hierarchical: Many sub-classes extend a super class.
Hybrid Inheritance: A mix of two or more kinds of inheritance (not supported in Java due to ambiguity that may occur in case of multiple inheritance)
This article focuses on hierarchical inheritance, one of the most commonly used and practical forms of inheritance in Java.
2. What Is Hierarchical Inheritance?
Hierarchical Inheritance — More than one class, inherit from a single superclass. This helps the subclasses by allowing access to all the properties and methods defined in the superclass. However, hierarchical inheritance always has the flexibility for each subclass to have unique properties and behaviors.
Example: Let’s say we have a superclass Vehicle with subclasses Car, Truck, and Motorcycle. All these subclasses will inherit common attributes like speed and fuel, and methods like start() and stop() from the Vehicle superclass.
3. Syntax of Hierarchical Inheritance in Java
To implement hierarchical inheritance in Java, follow these steps:
Define the superclass with the attributes and methods you want to share across multiple subclasses.
Define each subclass separately and extend the superclass to inherit its properties and methods.
Example Code:
// Superclass
class Vehicle {
int speed;
int fuel;
public void start() {
System.out.println("Vehicle started");
public void stop() {
System.out.println("Vehicle stopped");
// Subclass 1
class Car extends Vehicle {
int doors;
public void honk() {
System.out.println("Car honks");
// Subclass 2
class Truck extends Vehicle {
int loadCapacity;
public void load() {
System.out.println("Truck is loading");
// Subclass 3
class Motorcycle extends Vehicle {
boolean hasSidecar;
public void popWheelie() {
System.out.println("Motorcycle pops a wheelie");
In this example:
Vehicle is the superclass.
Car, Truck, and Motorcycle are subclasses that inherit from Vehicle.
Each subclass can access the start() and stop() methods from Vehicle and has unique methods (honk(), load(), popWheelie()).
4. Characteristics of Hierarchical Inheritance
Here are some key characteristics of hierarchical inheritance:
Code Reusability: Common properties and methods are defined in the superclass and reused by each subclass, avoiding redundancy.
Consistency: Changes to the superclass propagate to all subclasses, ensuring consistent behavior across related classes.
Extensibility: Adding new subclasses is easy since each can inherit common functionalities from the superclass without rewriting code.
Type Hierarchy: Hierarchical inheritance creates a clear type hierarchy, allowing for polymorphism and more organized class structures.
5. Advantages of Hierarchical Inheritance in Java
Hierarchical inheritance offers several advantages:
Efficiency and Simplicity: Hierarchical inheritance reduces code duplication, making the program easier to maintain.
Enhanced Code Organization: With a common superclass, subclasses are organized under a single type, improving readability and modularity.
Scalability: You can add new subclasses without changing the superclass, which makes hierarchical inheritance highly scalable.
Supports Polymorphism: Through polymorphism, hierarchical inheritance enables treating instances of different subclasses as objects of the superclass.
6. Real-World Applications of Hierarchical Inheritance
Hierarchical inheritance is widely applicable in scenarios where multiple entities share a common base type with specific variations. Here are some common examples:
Banking Systems: A BankAccount superclass could have subclasses like SavingsAccount, CheckingAccount, and FixedDepositAccount, each with unique attributes but common methods like deposit() and withdraw().
E-commerce Platforms: A superclass Product can have subclasses Electronics, Clothing, and Groceries. All types of products may share methods for addToCart() and calculateDiscount(), but each type may have unique properties.
Educational Institutions: In a school management system, Person might be a superclass, with subclasses Student, Teacher, and Staff. Each subclass can inherit basic properties like name and age but also have unique characteristics like grades for students and salary for teachers.
7. Using Hierarchical Inheritance with Polymorphism
One of the most powerful features of hierarchical inheritance is polymorphism, where a single interface can represent multiple class types. Java’s polymorphic capabilities allow you to use a reference of the superclass type to refer to objects of any subclass type, providing flexibility in your code.
Example Code:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Vehicle myCar = new Car(); // Upcasting
Vehicle myTruck = new Truck();
Vehicle myMotorcycle = new Motorcycle();
myCar.start(); // Calls start() method from Vehicle class
// Downcasting
Car specificCar = (Car) myCar;
specificCar.honk(); // Calls honk() method specific to Car
In this example:
We use upcasting to create objects of different subclasses and treat them as instances of the Vehicle superclass.
Downcasting allows access to subclass-specific methods, like honk() in the Car class.
8. Limitations and Challenges of Hierarchical Inheritance
Despite its advantages, hierarchical inheritance also comes with limitations:
Tight Coupling: Subclasses are tightly coupled to the superclass, meaning changes in the superclass may unintentionally affect all subclasses.
Limited Flexibility: Hierarchical inheritance works well when subclasses share a common foundation, but in cases where subclasses diverge significantly, it may lead to unnecessary inheritance.
Single Inheritance Constraint: Since Java doesn’t support multiple inheritance (inheriting from multiple superclasses), you cannot inherit from more than one class directly.
9. Best Practices for Hierarchical Inheritance
To make the most of hierarchical inheritance while avoiding common pitfalls, follow these best practices:
Use Abstract Classes and Methods: For superclasses that shouldn’t be instantiated but only used as a base, declare them as abstract. This will prevent unnecessary object creation.javaCopy codeabstract class Vehicle {
abstract void start();
Apply final Wisely: If you don’t want subclasses to override a particular method, mark it as final. This helps maintain intended behaviors in the subclasses.
Encapsulate Properly: Always encapsulate superclass properties with private or protected access and use getters/setters as needed. This ensures data integrity and controlled access.
Avoid Inheritance Abuse: Don’t use inheritance if the subclasses don’t naturally extend the superclass. Sometimes, composition (having one class contain an instance of another class) can be a better choice.
10. Frequently Asked Questions about Hierarchical Inheritance
Q1: Can a subclass have additional properties and methods in hierarchical inheritance?
Yes, a subclass can have its own properties and methods in addition to the ones it inherits from the superclass.
Q2: Can I override methods in hierarchical inheritance?
Yes, subclasses can override methods from the superclass to provide specific implementations.
Q3: Is hierarchical inheritance the same as multilevel inheritance?
No, in hierarchical inheritance, multiple subclasses inherit from a single superclass. In multilevel inheritance, there is a chain of inheritance with each class inheriting from the one above it.
Q4: Can I create an instance of the superclass in hierarchical inheritance?
Yes, you can create an instance of the superclass, unless it is declared as abstract. Abstract classes cannot be instantiated.
Hierarchical inheritance in Java is a powerful feature that promotes code reusability, modularity, and extensibility. It allows multiple subclasses to inherit common properties and methods from a single superclass while also enabling each subclass to maintain its unique characteristics. This inheritance model is widely used in real-world applications, from banking systems to e-commerce platforms, and helps developers create organized, scalable, and maintainable codebases.
Understanding the fundamentals of hierarchical inheritance, along with its advantages and limitations, is essential for any Java programmer looking to write clean and efficient object-oriented code. By applying best